Sunday, May 31, 2009

TJs first night racing the 410 at Thunderbowl Raceway May 30th

TJs first night in the 410 Wingless Sprint Car started out great, he qualified 5th out of 24 cars. He started 6th in the Heat race and on the third lap that's where it all went wrong. Going into turn one TJ hit a bump started to bicycle the car rolled and the front nose went straight into the ground bounced up and caught on to the fence. Of course, he wasn't going to hang there so he started busting his way out of the car to get back on the ground. TJ is one driver that any wreck that he is ever involved in, he jumps out of the car as soon as it comes to a stop. Catching on fire has been a fear of his after watching other drivers go up in flames after a wreck. His front tire was hung over the fence and they couldn't get his car off for awhile.

TJ okay but the car is stuck on the fence

Big TJ trying to get the car down

TJ in one piece after hanging on the fence , some of his fans coming by to get autographs.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Raio qualified 1st tonight!! Plaza Park May 29th

Well, the night started off great for Raio and not so good for TJ. Raio qualified 1st and TJ qualified 18th. Both of them finished 4th in their heats for the transfer spot into the Main Event. That put Raio to start 8th and TJ to start 15th. The race started pretty good then someone rammed into Raio which messed up her back left tire up. So Raio ended up out of the race because they couldn't fix the tire because they didn't have an open red. So the race started again and it was soooo dry it was hard to even tape the race. I think TJ ended up around 12th but I found out for sure later.

Monday, May 25, 2009

TJ didn't race this weekend.

We didn't go to Santa Maria this weekend, instead Robby Russell, (TJs crew chief) ran TJs micro at Lemoore Raceway. So, this weekend TJ was a Crew Chief and Robby got to run the car. TJ also was helping with Brandon Collins 7B the rookie who is brand new to the micros. I wasn't there to watch this weekend but from what I heard Brandon is doing great for just starting out. Robby didn't get to run the Main Event this weekend because we are still having Motor issues.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Raio in Visalia and TJ in Tulare May 16th

Well, I really don't like splitting up because it is very hard on everyone but we had to do what worked for the kids. Raio finished up her weekend at Plaza Park Raceway and TJ had a race at Thunderbowl Raceway. We had alot of texting back and forth to see how everyone was doing. Raio qualifed 17th which put her to start 5th in her heat and finished 3rd. She started 16th in the Main and finished 10th. TJ qualified 21st and he started 1st in the Heat race and he finished 4th for the transfer spot. He started 21st in the main and finished 14th. It was a VERY HOT and exhausting weekend but with summer coming we have alot more of those to come. I was looking at their schedules and they have a few more weekends that they will be split up again, but we will get through it again like we always do.

Tachi Palace Shoot Out at Plaza Park May 15th

First Night of the Tachi Palace Shoot out was a good turn out. In the class that Raio and TJ run there were 40 cars. Raio qualified 11th and TJ qualified 25th. Raio started 2nd in her heat and ended up in first place. TJ started 8th and finished 5th which put TJ in the Semi. He started 1st and got 2nd now they both would be in the Main Event. Raio started 11th and finished 11th in the Main and TJ started 17th and finished TBD.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bakersfield Speedway May 9th

The car count was average, with 19 cars in the 360 Sprint class. The track was already getting dry and rough during Hot Laps so with TJ qualifying almost last in his class he didn't have much of a track left. But he made the most of it and ended up qualifying 3rd. That put him to start 4th in his heat race. He spun out and went to the back and he ended up 4th at the checker flag. As we were waiting for the Main Event to start we got the phone call that TJs motor blew up and we were done for the night. Driving all the way to Bakersfield to end up not racing is very disappointing for the team but you just have to take the good and the bad in racing.

Fellow junior racer looking for his next ride.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Santa Maria Speedway, May 2nd

Mother Nature was good to us and we were on our way to the race track. The excitement was high because TJ got his Crew Chief Robby Russell back on our team. With car owner Dennis and Robby on the car, we are getting closer to our first win of the season with McCowan Motorsports. The car count was 19 and we qualified 5th which put us to start 3rd in the Heat and he got a little excited and spun out, so to the back he went and at the end he finished 4th. Of course he was harrassed by his pit crew that he needs to have patience and throttle control. When he masters that, nothing will stop him. The Main Event we started 5th and battled with the top 4 fast cars of the night and we ended up 2nd behind Veteran, Peter Murphy. TJ was so excited that he had a hard time spitting his words out during his interview. So, a BIG Thank You to car owners, Dennis & Connie McCowan for making this all happen and to Robby Russell for getting TJs car steered in the direction of the winners circle.

Allison, TJs girlfriend, waiting for the races to start.

Grandpa, TJ and Robby after qualifying.

Matt, TJ and Curtis watching the track.
TJ after the Main Event.

TJ and Robby showing the love.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Plaza Park Raceway cancelled because of Rain

Well, mother nature took care of our racing tonight. Raio was flying in and they were both ready to go racing then we got the phone call that Plaza cancelled the race. Everyone was bummed and Raio changed her flight until the next Micro Race on May 15th for the Tachi Palace Shoot Out, we should have nice weather by then. We always tease Raio we always know she is flying in because it always rains that weekend.

If the weather holds out in Pismo area tomorrow and the track is okay we will be leaving for Santa Maria Speedway tomorrow morning for TJ to race the 360 Non Wing car. Everyone is excited to go but I have big knot in my stomache because the last time we raced there on October 11, 2008, TJ went end over end down the front straight away to total his race car.
I was a mess, but Thank God, he was fine.

This is not what you want the car to look like at the end of a race.